To begin with, writing requires a certain type of madness, the ability to disassociate oneself from true reality and go with the version that is inside one’s one head. We call this imagining of other worlds and non-existent people ‘fantasising’.
Writers need their imaginary worlds. Deeply into a story we don’t just imagine these places, we live there. We are, after all, trying to get our readers to rent space in our universe while they ride along on our story, and nobody likes an absentee landlord!
Likewise, we have to conjure up the people to fill our worlds. Our characters start out as ideas. We may visualise what they look like, define the circumstances of their life and have a plot which determines the evils that will befall them. However, that is only the start, and as we go about the writing process, these quickly-sketched profiles soon start to develop characteristics, nuances, and before we know it, minds of their own.
Yes, minds of their own. What a strange concept, don’t you think?
That may be the point where things get interesting because suddenly, like a parent with a reluctant teenager in tow, we discover that we are no longer in tight control; the character in our head has other ideas.
All authors are mothers! read the full article here ...